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Voila, c'est ici que les $\href{http/}{\emph{Debian}}$ istes se $\href{http/}{\emph{Debian}}$ isèrent :
# make-kpkg clean
# make-kpkg --append-to-version "-sophie1" <argument>
L'argument ci-dessus correspond à ce que l'on veut packager exactement. pour tout savoir :
# make-kpkg --targets
|     Targets                      |   Automatically builds                   |
| clean                            |                                          |
| buildpackage                     | Builds the whole package                 |
| binary                           | Builds kernel_{source,headers,image,doc} |
|       binary-indep               |                                          |
|            kernel_source         |                                          |
|            kernel_doc            |                                          |
|       binary-arch                |                                          |
|            kernel_headers        |                                          |
|            kernel_image          | Builds build                             |
|                           build  |                                          |
| modules                          |                                          |
| modules_image                    |                                          |
| modules_config                   |                                          |
| modules_clean                    |                                          |
| configure                        | If you wish to edit files                |
|                           debian | generated by make config                 |
| debian                           | Creates ./debian dir, and                |
|                                  | optionally patches the source            |
Psst: binary-arch c'est bien !
